Companies are spending more effort, resources and money to reach their customers and prospects online, more specifically, via email. Whether your email communication is for marketing, eBilling, operational or alerts, all of your time effort and investment in capturing and maintaining a valid email address are lost once it turns bad. A bad email address will impact your overall communication ROI, email sender reputation and creates a lost opportunity for your company.
ECOALink® by Email Append® LLC, can "link" email address changes “from bad to new”, thus allowing you to:
Best of all, our results are guaranteed deliverable, your new emails will get delivered regardless if you deploy via a third party or your own deployment infrastructure!
Email volumes and interactive marketing spend are forecasted to increase for the foreseeable future strengthening emails role as the backbone of all online activities. So, if you have a customer and prospect email database and want to expand your marketing options , we can help!! We’ll help you radically improve your business performance and marketing efficiency. And the best part, we offer exceptional customer services, a fast turnaround and our dedication and commitment to your success.